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The Stir Fry Formula

By 7:54 AM , ,

I try to cook myself healthy meals every night, but ya know, sometimes I'm just too tired and lazy. This is when the concept of stir fry comes in handy, or as I've coined it "bowls of stuff".  The best part is there are no rules when it comes to one of these concoctions. You can go with some sort of cultural twist, or just throw whatever you have in your fridge in a pan and pray it works out (my preferred method). 

The general formula I use when stir frying is to start with a green for the base, then choose a grain, a mixture of veggies, a protein source, then spices, herbs, and sauces. 

This specific bowl of goodness is my usual. I started with a base of kale 'cause I like the crunch, then I steamed up mushrooms, broccoli, and carrots. I had some brown rice cooking on the stove while I pan fried some tofu in coconut oil. Once the tofu was finished, I just tossed in my vegetables and rice with a little soy sauce and garlic, heated it all through, and scooped it on top of my kale. I usually like to mash up some avocado for a finishing garnish, but I was clearly too hungry this time around :)

Like I said, you can get pretty fancy with your combinations, but I like to keep a stir fry just how it was meant to be: quick, simple, and tasty.

Do you have a go to stir fry recipe?

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