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Autumn Tradition

By 5:52 AM , ,

This marks my first post on Maple & Palm, and what better way than to share my final weekend in Vermont. Growing up in New England, apple picking, pumpkin patches, and lots of crunchy red leaves has always been a special tradition. Autumn feels like a nice, warm hug, doesn’t it? There’s so many cozy smells in the air, and not to mention the baked goods (I've definitely already eaten way too much pumpkin). But what I think of most when I think of fall, is family. 

This is mine, we are four. The plan this weekend was to take a break and spend our last few days together before I head to the west coast. No state is more beautiful this time of year than Vermont, I can almost guarantee it. 

Mission fall began with a maze, because somehow we find fun in getting lost between huge rows of corn. 

I swear I was planning on wearing my lace up boots and chunky sweater, but the weather thought other wise. I decided to go with this light tunic and jean shorts, and finished my look off with this cool pendant that makes me think of the moon and sun. The perfect seasonal transition outfit. 

If I had to make a list of the things that make me most happy, driving through beautiful scenery with a perfect playlist and someone I love would be at the top. Twisting along the roads through the notch up to the Von Trapp Family Lodge (yes, the sound of music), I was invincible. Iridescence broke through the changing leaves and blanketed the whole scene. 

My family of four spent these moments together on rolling hills surrounded by red and gold. There was good food, pretty gardens, and big laughs. It was just one of those days that was almost too perfect, the magnificence of it all brought me peace with who I am and where I'm going. Afterwards we made a mess baking delicious apple bread, sat down to a home cooked meal, and hugged each other goodnight. 

Reflecting now, I realized that life happens in all those tiny details. I'm moving to California in a few days, and its strange to think that next year will be made up of entirely new traditions and faces. Although I'll still try and recreate my moms fall signature - apple cider warmed on the stove with orange slices and cinnamon sticks, a must try. Somehow I doubt it will be the same without her magic touch. 

This weekend with my loved ones solidified everything that has been until this point in time, and closed the page on and ending chapter. I will miss them more than I can bear, but my memories from this autumn season at home are fresh in my heart. Life is about moving forward, but not forgetting where you've been. 

What are some of your favorite traditions this time of year? 

Until next time

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