Wow, it's been a hot minute since we last spoke. Sorry friends! I apologize for my absence on this little corner of the internet. I've had copious amounts of homework, side projects, and freelance work and sometimes something's gotta give.
I first started this blog during my summer at home last year when I was desperately searching for something to keep me busy. Flash forward 8 months and I'm currently in a position in my career I never imagined I would be.
I'll admit...I tend to fill up my plate with the intention of eating every last bite, but halfway through I could really use a nap. Aaaaand what you can take away from that super awkward metaphor is that I simply don't have as much time for my own projects as I used to.
With that being said, by no means is this the end of Maple & Palm, it's only the beginning with a few bumps in the road along the way. I've really missed writing and posting just for the sake of it. Another reason blogging became challenging; I started to do this for others instead of for fun. My second worst habit to overbooking myself is perfectionism.
So from now on, I'm going to try and commit myself to one post a week, maybe sometimes there will be more, I'm going to let it be spontaneous and free-flowing. Maple & Palm will grow and evolve along with me.
Lately I've been loving...