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My Famous Oatmeal

By 4:12 PM , , ,

Whenever I reveal to someone that my favorite breakfast is oatmeal, it's usually followed by a confused face. They scrunch their nose and ask "...why? it's kind of gross." 

I promise you that the way I create oatmeal is nothing like the lumpy, tasteless goop they sell at cafeterias. This recipe for the perfect oatmeal has become something I'm a little famous for among friends who have tried it, and you'll be hard pressed to find a morning where I'm not eating some variation of it. 

My oats are warming and cozy in the early hours, a little sweet, and the perfect consistency. Try it for yourself, it might change your life.

1/2 cup oats (I use quick oats because I have less time in the morning before class)
1 Banana
3/4 cup milk (Almond or soy works fine as well)
1 tbsp chia seeds (optional but recommended) 
Dash of salt
Sweetener of choice


  1. Cut the banana in half, mash one half with a fork. I save the other half for a topping.
  2. Mix together oats, milk, mashed banana, dash of salt, chia seeds, and cinnamon (this is optional but gives awesome flavor) in a bowl.
  3. Mix in a sweetener. For many the bananas natural sweetness is enough, but I always like a little more. Maple syrup is my favorite to use, but anything is fine! This is all personal preference. 
  4. Heat in the microwave for two minutes
  5. At this point the oats should be cooked, sometimes I add another 1/4 cup of milk because the chia seeds soak up moisture. 
  6. Add your toppings! This is my favorite part, and what puts the icing on the cake, or erm...the peanut butter on the oatmeal. 

Above is my most beloved mixture - oatmeal topped with banana coins, figs, and Justin's Maple Almond Butter, aka the best nut butter ever created. 

I hope you enjoy the recipe, let me know if you try it out!

What's your favorite breakfast? 

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