Java, Tours, and Avocados: An Update
Well folks, It's been a while hasn't it?
I just finished my all my finals at school, and I've been living like a vampire. The past few weeks have consisted of me sleeping for very few hours each night and drinking far too much coffee to finish all of my work.
In between this I managed to squeeze my two jobs in there too, I've started giving tours at my school, and I totally love it! I helped out at FIDM's open house on Friday, (think 800 very excited high school students) and while I may have never talked so much in my life, it was definitely a positive experience.
Ah, I hate to brag, but things are just going so well. Do you ever have those moments where for a brief second time stops and you realize everything in your life is exactly how it should be? Try and hold onto that.
Now that all of my final projects are finished, I thought I would share some of what I've been working on!
For a publishing class, I had to conceptualize and design my own magazine. My theme was coffee for obvious reasons, and I'm so excited with how it turned out.