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By 10:58 AM , , it just me, or do we all cook waaaaaay more food on Thanksgiving than we originally planned? I didn't even have my holiday with family this year, and my roommate and I still got sent home with tupperware full of leftovers (although I think they knew we were starving, broke college students).

Instead of just eating A thanksgiving meal everyday I, like most probably, like to switch it up and make cold turkey sandwiches. Here's a little infographic on the simplest (but most delicious) sandwich you can only make this time of year. 

It's all personal preference, this is my favorite way to make a leftover sandwich, but you can totally use replace stuffing with mashed potatoes...or just use both. It's good if you panini that sucker and dip it in warm gravy too mmmm. But just in case you get bored of the sandwich, heres a few recipes that put a twist on Thanksgiving leftovers. 

Williams Sonoma has a bunch of crazy sandwich masterpieces.

Mashed Potato Pancakes for breakfast or dinner

Something lighter  after the food coma

If your still in the mood to bake  

Hope everyone had a lovely holiday.

What's your favorite way to use thanksgiving leftovers? Let me know in the comments!

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