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Setting Goals for 2015

By 5:57 AM ,

New Years is always a time for reflection of hardships and blessings that rose and fell like poetry. 2014 whispered it's final lines, and now we look forward to the future and what it holds for us. The new year is also a completely new chapter of blank pages waiting to be written. Unfortunately, many of us have a tendency to create resolutions for ourselves that come attached with negativity and urgency. 

I don't believe in New Years resolutions, and that's because the definition implies that there is a problem that needs solving. I don't often hear of people vowing to gain something in the new year, only what they want to discard of or change about themselves. 

This year, instead of focusing on what I perceive needs fixing, I'm setting goals and bringing attention to doing what makes me the happiest. Goals keep us striving towards a common purpose and trying our best, but don't bring misery in failure like resolutions do. 

Here are some of my long and short term goals for 2015 

Do more DIY projects
My apartment has been looking quite bare as of late, and as I grow I care more about my home decor. I definitely have an overall aesthetic in mind of what I want to come home to everyday, but I lack a budget to fulfill this. I've compiled a ton of pins and web articles of homemade items, and I started realizing that I could actually create most of them. Why spend 40 dollars on a print for my wall when I could just paint it myself? Decoration on display is much more rewarding when my hard work goes into it. 

Be kind to everyone 
Although this goal sounds vague and cliche, having compassion for others really isn't that hard. Giving a simple compliment to or smile to those you interact with can turn that someone's whole day around. I realize that every single person and family has problems in life, and if I can show a small amount of kindness it could make all the difference. 

Get more serious about blogging 
With school, work, and many late nights it's hard to be consistent with my posts on Maple & Palm. I'd like to settle into a solid blogging schedule, as well as think up more new and exciting content for my readers. 

Broaden my recipe collection
If you know me, you know I'm very passionate about cooking and food. Being a student in a time crunch makes it much more challenging to try and cook an exotic meal than to whip up a bowl of pasta. One thing I'd really love to accomplish this year is trying out one new recipe a week, and maybe even making it through an entire cookbook if I'm feeling really ambitious. 

Keep a better budget
This one's pretty self explanatory. I'm not a huge impulse spender, but I'll admit I avoid checking my bank account for fear of the number I might see. I would like to try and track my expenditures more regularly, this way I know how much money I spend on groceries, coffee, etc. and plan for that each week.

Live more slowly
To me, a slower life does not mean laziness and procrastination, it simply means to find a better balance between all I must accomplish and my own state of being. I read this article a few weeks ago about the curse of being busy, and it really struck a chord. My parents have always taken on the world (in the best way of course), and so I too, have grown up to live in a constant rush. Maybe it's just my nature, but most of the time I feel as though if I stop going, going, going I'm committing a sort of sin.

This upcoming quarter, I am taking the maximum amount of classes, commuting to a part time job, and carry the weight of living as a 20 year old in Los Angeles on my shoulders. In 2015 my greatest ambition is to be successful at school by focusing on a single project at a time, incorporate more meditation and yoga into my life, and accept that it's ok to not be busy. You won't find any peace by living in a future that doesn't exist, only the now.

So here's to 2015, and embracing what you love. And as my best friend said yesterday morning while we watched New York City disappear through the train window, heres to a year of adventure, acceptance, and abundance.

What are your goals for this year?

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