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Creating Positive Body Image

By 8:11 AM , ,

Many of you may not know this, but it's currently National Eating Disorders Awareness week. While I am not comfortable to speak on my personal experiences yet, I do feel it's important to make a post in support of good body image. I apologize if I come off strong, I do try to keep this blog filled with light and positivity, but this is a topic I am extremely passionate about.

Say you were in a conversation with a couple of your friends. One of them begins by stating how "fat" they feel that day, which prompts the other to agree and chime in about how much they hate their legs in those jeans. The natural reaction for you is to continue on in compliance while you all laugh together. Now, say you confidently stated that you felt absolutely amazing that day and your dress made you look beautiful. You couldn't say that could you? Declaring that you actually liked your body would make you different, maybe even seem conceited to your friends. 

For both men and women, even more so in young adults, body shaming is considered the norm. The situation I just described is seen everyday in schools, the workplace, and even in the retail environment. While it seems innocent enough, it is what makes serious mental illnesses or eating disorders feel casual. 

In a society ridden with negative media and messages, positive body image can look like an unattainable goal, but I promise there's light at the end of the tunnel. 

I'm sharing with you some simple methods in learning to love yourself. 

1. Appreciate your body for all that it does. 
In the grand scheme of things, all your body ever does is for your benefit. It's healed hundreds of scrapes and bruises, and nursed you through illness. Your arms opened doors, and carried children, and fit perfectly around loved ones. Your legs have moved you through life, up and down hundreds of miles, all over town when you were running errands, and around the neighborhood on evening walks. Your body houses the soul and keeps it safe, only asking for affection in return.

2. Spend your time doing things that bring you joy. 
Those days when your feeling down about your body, it's so easy to get transfixed on your image and worrying about what you look like. Instead of getting lost in thoughts like these, pay attention to the environment around you. Spend your day at the movies with friends, doing yoga, baking, or even listening to music and painting. Whatever makes you feel like the truest version of yourself, do those things, and you'll forget about all the worries.

3. Understand that media is not reality.
Celebrities, media, and entertainment convince us that we are all supposed to strive for replication of a figure on the cover of a magazine. In reality these men and women are the same as everyone else, the only difference is they're poked, prodded, smoothed, slimmed, and tanned in photoshop. Look at media with a critical eye.

4. Decorate yourself in clothing and jewelry you love. 
There has never been any rules about what you can and cannot wear based on your body type. If you love an outfit to pieces, and feel great when you wear it, then rock the hell out of it! I guarantee no matter what others will not be looking at your body, but commenting on how cool your style is.

5. Remember that you are a whole being.
As I said, each individual is a soul inside of a body; a living and breathing organism. Our mind egos often leech to the idea that we are what we see in the mirror, but there is so much more to it. I recommend the book The Power Of Now, because living confidently only comes when you can make the connection that your being is not physical. When this happens you radiate happiness and spirit, and others will notice you and be drawn to that flame.

I hope my advice has helped in some way for you to see yourself differently, even if it is only a small part of your journey.

I promise darling you are not your body, you are something much greater.

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