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Reading a Magazine by It's Cover

By 10:27 AM , ,

One of my first homework assignments this year for a publishing class was to explore magazine covers, and choose the ones that I was most attracted to. 

You can imagine how hyped I was for this task, seeing as publication design is a field of my craft I'm very interested in. Text, type, and photography...this stuff really gets me going. 

I started thinking about what really makes a cover unique. What causes us to see one little piece of information amongst the hundreds of magazines lined on the wall?

For me, it's a layout thats completely different from your usual Cosmo or Glamour. While a lot of commercial women's magazines have a single celebrity on the front surrounded by "100 ways to braid your hair", I'm entranced by magazines that make me feel something. 

Maybe it's a publication that reads like a book with a single leaf on the front screaming to be investigated, or handwritten type that's just a pattern without a closer look,  (Channing Tatum isn't so bad either). 

Regardless of the vibe, imagery and colors of a magazine cover have to tell a story. Only then can they transform from a flat, shiny photo, into a life imagined. 

These are just some of my favorite's at the moment. Some say print is dying out, but I think it's evolving into a completely new era. 

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