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Morning Light

By 8:18 AM ,

Good morning friends

I sincerely apologize for my lack of posts and presence lately. Between five classes, becoming an ambassador of my school, and homework assignments that have me traveling here there and everywhere, I lost the time to write. 

Thankfully photography class allows me to wander the California coast, and often at the start of my day. I've always felt comfort in early mornings, a few hours too many take for granted. Serenity lingers in the silence that shatters new daylight, and dawn evolves into a state of mind free from the restraints of ticking hands on clocks. 

There is nourishment in the old wood of coffee shops and warm bowls of oats with those who warm your heart. Mornings are room to breathe and spaces to roam, to be light. 

A single soul underneath the pier amidst the waves, I couldn't help but be filled with the sheer immensity of just how beautiful existence really is. 

Are you a morning person or creature of the night? 

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